Warning: Use of undefined constant auto – assumed ‘auto’

2023-09-1812:15:18 发表评论 473 次浏览

1、 最近搭建Wordpress发现一个报错:Warning: Use of undefined constant auto - assumed 'auto' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /www/wwwroot/wordpress/wp-content/themes/begin5.2/inc/inc.php on line 911。百度了一下说是可以关闭PHP的 display_errors ,但这显然不是我风格。下面说一下我的解决办法(超简单)

Warning: Use of undefined constant auto - assumed 'auto'

2、打开(外观—主题编缉器),找到inc下的inc.php找开,找到代码911行把$size = auto改为$size = 'auto'更新文件就可以了。

Warning: Use of undefined constant auto - assumed 'auto'


Warning: Use of undefined constant auto - assumed 'auto'

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